Eat and drink!

Food is culture, pleasure, history and emotion. In the past, every region, every village had its own recipes and specialities. Today we run the risk of this diversity flattening out. But fortunately, like-minded people in the Lesachtal, Gailtal and Gitschtal valleys as well as at Lake Weissensee have come together and are consciously reviving the many regional treasures. With their return to past traditions, they are pinpointing the gist of the culinary zeitgeist. They are putting almost forgotten dishes back on the menus, cultivating old varieties, reviving traditional crafts.

And they have all recognised one thing: In many cases, quality requires a maturing process. Or in other words: time, leisure and power of observation.


"...appreciate the quality of local produce even more"

Viaggiare alle radici dei buoni sapori:

Le valli Gailtal, Lesachtal e il lago Weissensee si trovano lungo le Alpi Carniche in Carinzia, nel sud dell’Austria.

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02__Backen-des-Slow-Food-Presidio-Lesachtaler-Brot | © MarianneDaberer