Bauernhof Brandstätter

The mountain guide and grower of native maize has always been a nature lover. He discovered his passion for native maize, which stemmed from the beloved "Sterz" (sweet or savoury dish of cooked maize) - a fine farmer's meal, early on. He found a few cobs of white maize on his farm and, because he happened to meet a student who is writing a thesis on native white maize, it all turned into a big story. Together with seed experts and a medical practitioner, the committed farmer has succeeded in declaring the "native Gailtal Valley white maize" as a "rare agricultural crop", obtaining trademark protection and cultivating it as certified gluten-free food. With Slow Food, his interest in this small grain of maize is growing and with it his commitment to the preservation of a native maize variety threatened with extinction. To ensure that the native "Gailtal Valley white maize" can also be marketed as an organic product in future, the entire farm has been converted to organic farming in 2020.

Our product areas

SFT_Gailtaler Weißer Landmais_(c) www.slowfood (12) | © MarianneDaberer

Slow Food native Gailtal Valley white maize

Slow Food native Gailtal Valley white maize

Due to the cultivation of hybrid maize varieties and genetically modified cultivars, the old Gailtal Valley maize varieties had become almost completely forgotten. We did not discover anything new - we just made sure that ancient maize varieties native to our region did not completely disappear and fall into oblivion. We have succeeded in preserving and propagating the native Gailtal Valley white maize.

  • Native Gailtal Valley white maize "maize flour" (fine)
  • Native Gailtal Valley white maize "polenta”

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Contact & getting here

Bauernhof Brandstätter

Würmlach 37
AT - 9640
Kötschach Mauthen
Phone: (0043) 4715 8358 E-mail:
Route planner

Journey to the roots of good taste:

The Gailtal Valley, Lesachtal Valley and Lake Weissensee are located along the Carnic Alps in Carinthia in the south of Austria.

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02__Backen-des-Slow-Food-Presidio-Lesachtaler-Brot | © MarianneDaberer